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Addr: Jinxin maintenance, no.1-191, Wanshang international computer digital port, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province
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Lanzhou iPhone, expansion and upgrade the memory, hard disk
Time:2016-11-18    Source:www.lznbwx.com    Views:2905

Good news good news

From now on lanzhou city xinhui maintenance can give fruit are the iPhone. The memory upgrade

Apple memory is dedicated, otherwise don't pack, everyone is the same, memory write code is the same, strict is 6 yards (bluetooth, WIFI, serial number, country, color, model), 8 yards, there is no price discount is our own entity shop replace face to face, not to others, make the middle price difference, memory is also a large wholesale goods, so you have an advantage. You can shop around, welcomed the reference contrast.

Apple iPhone, the whole series of 16 gb and 32 gb of memory is not enough to use, you can now with 64 g or 128 g. What no external usb drive is not convenient, we directly change the built-in memory, like android mobile phone change the large capacity memory card. Use of cell phone without any influence, original apple memory. Serial data will not change, after the upgrade, prison break, login icould account, welcome to our shop site upgrade maintenance, perfect upgrade an hour or so.

Radio and television building we address: chengguan district lanzhou city, gansu province northwest of computer digital city f222 number 2

Contact phone: 0931-8272521 15193153139 (WeChat QQ number and phone)

First declare all during the warranty period of mobile phones in good dish of the apple is not warranty!!!!!!

Upgrades all subsequent use can system, the prison system. And after in the hard disk flash is the latest system.

Please change the memory before consider to be clear about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only after normal use without network lock of mobile phone, Internet phone no orders. (mobile phone in the flash of have the network lock needs to be activated so you can not be properly activated)

Apple disk random delivery, TOSHIBA (TOSHIBA), hynix (SKHYNIX), SANDISK (SANDISK), all are original chips, accept the selection.

Need to upgrade the memory function of the mobile phone must be normal, can upgrade is complete, no maintenance, no water, no human cases, such as completed if your machine have been repair case, then don't consider, because of the above situation of machine fault is invisible. To upgrade the memory can cause other problems.

No fingerprints of apple products can also be in memory, now does not affect the upgrade in the future.

After upgrading in addition to memory, other are the same, as later upgrade flash,

服务热线:0931-8272521      15193153138(电话QQ微信同号)

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Addr:Jinxin maintenance, no.1-191, Wanshang international computer digital port, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province  Tel:0931-8699388    
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