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IPhone Apple phone expansion, upgrade memory
Time:2016-09-22    Source:Apple mobile phone service center in Lanzhou    Views:2097
You are not in use will encounter software to download, insufficient memory space, can not take pictures, but every day is to delete, delete, delete, clear, clear, clear, serious impact on the machine experience, immediately wanted to buy a new mobile phone, now have a good news to the extended memory, you don't because of insufficient memory to spend thousands to change the same mobile phone, now you only need to spend several hundred dollars, all these problems can help you get rid of your mobile phone, immediately reborn: "shotgun become cannon, beggars become emperor". From now on the phone can enjoy the play, enjoy downloading, enjoy taking pictures!
The most concerned about the issue: the expansion of stability? Will affect other features?
In fact, I believe we have seen a lot of video tutorials and some expansion, is not complicated, for writing and brush series machine can complete their geeks believe. The key is to hand welder. We are after a number of in-depth research and repeated testing to be perfect after the upgrade to your friends.
Many friends will say, see a lot in the post bar and a variety of forums on the outside of the expansion will appear white apple crash and other phenomena.
In fact it is the welder is a problem, because the demolition of the hard disk is needed to get high temperature welding air gun down, but the memory time of many peers up to 5-10 minutes, the rubber is heated at high temperature for long time, because the motherboard is the internal wire through the heating time is too long, the temperature along the internal heat emission to the motherboard each IC chip, thus leading to other IC bottom of the tin melting, weld
There are a lot of rumors that the next IOS version of the Apple Corp will verify the capacity to block upgrade memory? Lead to brush machine error? Into a brick?
From last year to upgrade the memory service since the start of the rumors have not been broken, had said 9.3 will be blocked, results of the 9.3 official version came out, just some rumors collapse of itself, sourgrapes people, then people eat, he also fart bump with eat, the maintenance of this forum who meet the eye everywhere!
The principle is to disassemble the machine, the original hard disk to take down, the serial number is copied to another large capacity of the new hard disk, and then installed!
So do not have to worry about any problems such as not compatible, the serial number and IMEI will not change! Any damage to the machine!
Friendship tips:
The warranty period is still the official machine carefully chosen, disassemble, customer service is not warranty!
Before the expansion of the important data, please back up your important data, after the memory needs to re brush machine!

Lock card machine is not connected! Repeatedly fell, the body deformation, there is a history of repair, the machine does not have a bad finger print!

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Addr:Jinxin maintenance, no.1-191, Wanshang international computer digital port, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province  Tel:0931-8699388    
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