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Addr: Jinxin maintenance, no.1-191, Wanshang international computer digital port, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province
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Your Current Location:Home > Case > iPhone手机维修 > iPhone开机提醒连接iTunes
Case Name:iPhone开机提醒连接iTunes
Case Detailed:

Fault cause got mobile phones first asking customers, customers return to normal use of mobile phone shutdown, boot requires to iTunes link again

Ask customer machine does not have information after the flash, flash test, an error 4005

4005 error, generally for the hard disk and hard disk power supply problems, reinstall the hard disk test failure remains, then replace the new hard disk test, painted at a time

Machine is repaired, bad point of failure for the hard disk.

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Addr:Jinxin maintenance, no.1-191, Wanshang international computer digital port, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province  Tel:0931-8699388    
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